Quinoa with Garlic

How much is too much?  They say too much of a good thing can be bad. But then, who determines what is too much. To me it’s a very personal thing. My too much may be too little for someone else and vice versa.

In life, we all talk about avoiding the excess and finding a balance. I think balance is an elusive almost intangible thing that doesn't exist. Instead of trying to figure out an elusive balance, maybe we all should try and overload ourselves with the things that make us happy. An overload of silliness if that’s what it takes to put a smile on our faces. No explanations. No strings attached. Pure unadulterated overload of happiness sounds awesome to me.

Speaking of overload, this dish has 4 ingredients and is dominated by garlic. Don’t get me wrong, but if someone doesn’t like garlic – I judge them!

Garlic, Green onion Quinoa


1 cup of cooked quinoa

10 cloves of garlic

1 tsp of red chili flakes

1 cup of chopped green onions

Olive oil


1.     Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a pan.

2.     Once the oil is hot, reduce the heat to medium. Add the garlic cloves and let them roast for 1 minute. 

3.     Add the red chili flakes, salt and green onions. Keeping the heat at medium let them cook for another minute.

4.     Add the cup of cooked quinoa and mix everything together.

5.     Increase the heat and let it cook for one minute.

The dish is simple, but with an overpowering taste of roasted garlic.


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