Turmeric smoothie with Almond Meal and Honey

A cold winter morning and a sore throat that needed nursing, led me to this recipe. 

One sip of the concoction led me to these words -  

The silence of words


Haunting the space 


Lurking underneath a veil 


Yet leaving a trace 

A  soft whisper 

A gentle touch 

A warm hug 

A life time of love 

Lurking in the silence


1/2 cup of whole milk 

1/2 cup of water 

1 tablespoon almond meal 

1 teaspoon turmeric 

1 teaspoon flax seed powder 

2 tablespoons honey 

  1. In a sauce pan warm the milk, water and almond meal on medium heat.
  2. Stir occasionally and let it come to boil. 
  3. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool. 
  4. Strain the milk to remove the excess undissolved almond meal. 
  5. Add this to the blender along with turmeric, honey and flax seed. 
  6. Blend them together. 
  7. Turmeric has a slight bitter taste, if its too strong for you; you can reduce the amount to 1/2 teaspoon or add another tablespoon of honey. 


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